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  • 有什么想对世界说的

    Hello strangers of the Internet,
    i am looking for someone i can exchange letters with or simply have a nice little conversation with.
    I would love to learn about new cultures, languages and new people.
    If you are interested as well, feel free to write me.
    Have a nice day folks.

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    Music, Music, Music.
    Music is the best way to connect with People because, who DOESN'T like Music? And if you only enjoy the Music i hate, that's okay too! I don't care because I'd still love to get to know what your favorite Song is (and why) or what your go-to-Playlist is when you feel like dancing. What are your favorite Lyrics and do you sing along when they play on the radio? If i wanted to talk to someone that never disagrees with me, i could just as well talk to the Mirror instead. Like, that's no fun, is it?

    Also i quite enjoy talking about Art, good Books, bad jokes, GoT & The Walking Dead and the most random Stuff that comes to mind. Like, what would be your superpower if you could choose one? Or what do you think comes after death?

    I'd really, really appreciate it if you'd share your favorite quotes with me! It doesn't matter if they're from your favorite book or a movie or a random thing some lunatic yelled across the streets. What words were so mesmerizing that you simply couldn't cross them out of your mind ever since?

  • 我对未来的感想

    It's scary, okay? Like you don't know what will happen and how you're gonna end up someday. The Thought that one little, unimportant decission like, which pair of socks you choose to wear for the day could change the whole outcoming of your Day, your Week or even your Life, doesn't really make me feel better about it. But i guess, you can look at it either way. You could see it as having thousands of opportunities to change your Future for the better as well.
    I just hope that me, my Family and Friends are happy and healthy and that the World won't go down to soon.

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    I've been to England (a few days in London with my english Class), Denmark, Poland ( visiting Family), Norway, Canary Islands and well, Germany.
    The most beautiful Place i've been was Norway. Though i wish i could've seen a bit more of it i am very glade that i got to see such beautiful Natur . It was like walking through a Dream, that's what i imagine the Paradise to look like. I've never seen a Waterfall in Real Life til i got there and, damn was it breathtaking. I never thought that falling Water would be such an sensation to me but i could have watched it forever. So beautiful, i still can't get over it!
    Really, such an surreal experience. Someday, i hope, i get to revisit Norway but this time for a little bit longer.
    And of course i would like to see a lot more of this world.

  • 我是……的专家

    Overthinking, most likely.

