

  • 4
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    I am someone who's very optimistic, I don't think People are completely good or bad. My hobby's are: tennis and playing the flute and I read and watch tv a lot.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    I love a lot of books and films I think my favorite books are The Hunger Games, Train I ride and I'm currently reading Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings those are all really good books. My all time favorite film is The Hunger games, I also love Me Before You, all Marvel films, Harry Potter, Notting Hill, The Maze Runner,...

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    I like tot talk about a lot of things, I just want to meet new people. But if I have to choose one thing, I enjoy talking about movies, series and books.☺️

  • 在国外居住一年

    I would go to Portugal, I'v been there several times and I love the country, it's beautiful.

  • 我感到担心……

    Everything to do with climate change, I really want that our children will grow up without all the climate problems. If it still is possible.

