

  • 1
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    Hey. My name's Kamil. I'm twenty years old boy from the Poland. I love meet new people from different countries of the world, i always have been intersted in geography, history and culture of the countries in the world. I think that everyone regardless of country, faith or race is equal and that everyone deserves respect. 😉

  • 我是……的专家

    All people who wanna talk about football, Eurovision, the good movies and books, different cultures and languages, or meet the most amazing discipline of sport - ski jumping.
    Write to me ☺️

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    I have had opportunity to travel 🇮🇹 🇩🇪 and 🇹🇷 so far, but i 'm sure that it isn't the end of my list. I have a few another holiday goals which i must visit 😊

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    For sure a book which make me big impress is "Master and Margarita". It's a absolutely masterpiece. I like very much also "The Phillars of the Earth" and "The Lord of the Rings" ♥️
    Movies hmmm "A Beautiful Mind", "The Lord of the Rings" and in the last time "The Great Gatsby".
    There are very intersting movies and are worth watching.

