

  • 5
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    I'm 18 years old Polish girl who would like to chat with people from other states (but of course I will also gladly meet friends from Poland).
    I'm a Christian <3
    I like taking photos and reading books.

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    Italy culture, language, food.
    Polish tradition, religion, even our sometimes complicated language.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    I love reading! I can read many books in a short time.
    My favourite book? The Bible. This is an amazing book. I sometimes don't understand it, but I try to do it.

  • 高估或低估

    In my opinion, some intangible assets, such as love, friendship, family, faith, truth, are not appreciated enough. People value money and fame very much, without noticing that there are important and more important things. I want everyone to be able to stop for a moment and think if their life is what they dreamed of when they were still dreaming about anything.

  • 我对人性的看法

    In my opinion, most people are egoists. This is a very sad phenomenon. We should help other people and don't look at each other with hostility. I think I'm not altruistic enough. I'm still learning about it. I would like everyone to see their bad sides and try to change. You can change the world. Just start with yourself. I am trying. And you? What are you doing?

  • 我希望人们知道更多,关于……

    I think people should know more about what they are going for and what they care about. I think that they should consider not only their own good but also the good of others. Guided by love, truth. More often forgive others. Enjoy what they have, because maybe tomorrow they will not have it. Trust God that his plans are the best for us, because there is no one who would love us more than God.

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    I can always talk about God. Because God loves me. And I love God <3

  • 完善学校制度

    Schools should talk more about building relationships between people, focusing on the most important things. We won't always need knowledge about the interactions between the magnets or the paramecium (although of course it is sometimes interesting and it is worth knowing about it), probably everyone would need a few lessons on how to deal with life.

  • 我的与众不同之处

    If you have not thought about it, now you may find that I'm strange. I do not like this word. What does it mean to be strange? We say this when someone thinks differently than us, has different priorities, recognizes other values. And this is not a strange person, only different. Just like you are different to her. I am different than the majority of my friends and colleagues from my surroundings. Why? Because I adhere to other ideals than they do. First of all, I believe that God exists. Someone who loves me, cares about me, wants me to be happy. Some say they are believers, but not practicing. What does this mean? Is it possible? Everything can be said, but deeds are important. If you believe it means that you trust God, talk to him, entrust him with your worries and problems. Is it so weird? Some think so. They say it is out of date, not true, that it is a darkness. For me it is normal and I am glad that there are still people in the world who understand this - people who do good and just live it without paying attention to what others think about them...

