

  • 1
  • 让世界变得更美好

    We all grew up learning from our different environments and I think that if we put aside our differences and stop to listen, we can all learn alot from other people

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    Anything!!! I want to learn your interest so we can see how much people are connected!!

    I have some social medias and email
    WeChat (for my friends in China!)

    Send me a message for the account!!

  • 完善学校制度

    Why did they take away the shops? I didn't go to a school with a auto shop or a wood shop..... That woulda been fun!!

  • 生命中的遗憾

    We all have regrets but it's how you live your life now that makes those regrets come back to fruition

  • 我是……的专家

    Cars? I can name like 99% of the parts if you show me a picture of it 🤣

  • 我最近学会了……

    Cesar salad dressing has anchovies!!!! Omg who else knew this???

