

  • 1m
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    My MBTI is INFJ-A/-T
    About music...
    A wide spectrum starts with Metal(everything between Power, Heavy, Kawaii, Nu & Deathcore) to Folk and classical music

  • 我最骄傲的成就

    Living haha😁
    Actually some wins in competitions like math, beekeeping, biology.
    And a research expedition about whales on the Azores this May.

  • 个人技能

    I'm kinda very... smart, so sometimes bored at school then I do Origami.

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    I have already traveled to nearly every European country by train.
    The best things while traveling are new impressions, cultures and feeling, which I sometimes use to write poems.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    The trinity of my favorite book genres
    The great literature
    Kafka is a real genius!
    Hawking also but in another aspect.
    Tolkien also in another...
    I'd love to read more, but my eyes kill me, so my head do, when I read.

