

  • 13
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    Hello and welcome to my profile!!

    If you leave from my profile with guestions in your head, feel free to ask!

    My name is Jenni and I'm a 23-year-old girl living in Finland.

    I love music, going to concerts, movies and traveling. Always when I
    have time and enough money I'll be traveling and going to concerts.
    Almsot every time when any band or a singer I like comes to Finland,
    I'll be there!!

    What I do for living? I'm a practical nurse, I graduaded in 2015 and
    studied with apprenticeship, and I work with disabled people. I love my
    job ❤️ I think a job of an practical nurse gives so much.

    I've planned to study to be a paramedic and next year I'll try to get in
    a university for applied sciences to study to be one!! 🙂 I've always
    wanted to be an paramedic.

    I love collecting postcards!! I have a bit over 200 of them from many countries already.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    Favorite writer of mine are definitely Stephen King.
    And favorite book of mine is written by him, it's called Pet Sematary. It's absolutely great!

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    The Netherlands

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    I love learning about different kind of cultures. These are the things that makes us rich. So please enrich me.

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    Music and movies. Those are the things that I can talk about loooong times.

