When is your birthday? 日常生活与习俗

Mine is 23 january 2007.

I'm Aquarius, I was born the 8th of February!

9 March

18 April

I am 33, from Russia. My birthday is 12 July 😉

Who is Sagittarius? I was born December 9 😊

I'm 30 yrs. My b-day 5 April

I have one, too!

The best month of the year- haters don't hate- November 25th. Sagittarius in the house! LOL 🙂

27 of May


10 of April 😊


由 Sabri.KC 编辑.

February 15,2002

27.08. I’m Virgo ( and it’s difficult 😂 )

June 22nd 😊

8. April
I think, thats a great Date for birthday

August 12th 🦁