🧕👳🏽 ... QUOTES ... 👳🏽🧕 日常生活与习俗

🧙‍♂️ "Alone the fact of needing a 'stage & spotlight' is simply proof of an existing
inferiority complex. From a 'transcendental' point of view, 'spotlight & stage' are
downright absurd. An individual founded in LOVE shines in all directions. "


There are not so many things, or words and no actions... even if there is nothing but exactly what I want to be for you... but I do everything and everything I can... to be who I am for you

When you read a traveler's diary...
where is the traveler then?

if you don't know you're happy, you're not happy...

never look down on people unless you're helping them up

Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.


🧙‍♂️ "The pursuit of bliss is a journey through an almost endless number
of valleys and peaks. Such paths hold surprises in store. When the
'wanderer' reaches his destination, he realises the unpredictability
of his consciousness every second, ... learns to understand how
absurd concepts are. A single moment, the endlessness of time -
all one and the same. "


由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.

🧙‍♂️ "Ultimately ... you can't just lock someone away because
you're afraid that something might happen to them. The sad
truth, however, is that this is exactly what happens on a
massive scale.

I have met so many people who have locked themselves away
to protect themselves from further harm. It is the absolute
worst thing you can do ... but it happens again and again. "


由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.

🧙‍♂️ "Those who put their own lives at the service of a 'higher purpose' may
lose their attention to their immediate surroundings on 'bad days'. Those
who think only of themselves only increase their own 'happiness' even on
the best days. "


由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.

🧙‍♂️ "It seems that for many 'authors' it is enough that their own convictions
are simply confirmed, ... to classify a conversation as successful. The search
for depth, 'truth' & solutions, however, also demands that all convictions be
thrown overboard if necessary. And this necessity exists – and much more
often, than we would like to admit. "


由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.

🧙‍♂️ "Doesn't love inspire, that a realisation be shared with those
around us? Don't we need to be careful about the moment, the
way we express ourselves and the content of our message?
I simply do not want to run the risk of paying tribute to my
superficiality... "


由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.

Part of a conversation...


🧙‍♂️ "The disrespectful, shameless superficiality that we now encounter every-
where is an unbearable torture! Isn't life in a human body actually an extra-
ordinary gift? Modern people; ... like drones – selfish, indifferent, un-aware.
Caterpillars – that have not the slightest desire to develop into butterflies! "


🧕 "But ... maybe it is a natural process?! It is conceivable that there must
be a huge collective of caterpillars to reach a relatively 'large' number of
individuals who at least feel the desire/want to rise up? Perhaps it is not
a question of having a few billion individuals populate this planet, but of
providing* a few million with the opportunity to become 'butterflies'? "


* Generating a 'critical mass' for those who want to rise up...

由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.

Friendship's the wine of life.

“To live in the moment... is the only footprint one must follow..” ― Oglala Lakota- Hinhan Wakangli

🧙‍♂️ "Every event in our lives changes our view of the world
and behaviour. Sure, ... right? What is strange remains –
hidden from most people. Although we change our view
through every event, almost all people act as if they can
judge the past with the awareness of their present. "


The difficult we can do right away, the impossible takes a little longer
- Mario Capecchi

🧙‍♂️ "Once and again the shared desire for 'Intensity' brings two strangers
together. Perhaps they actually break out of their everyday lives and
experience 'fulfillment'. In such a case, an illusion is almost always
created. But, ... was it really the 'partner' who brought fulfillment?

So, ... what do you want?

Have you started a 'new' life or was it the re-beginning of your old
journey through the Valley of Doubts? "


由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.