What do you do when you're bored? 日常生活与习俗

Oh so you play the guitar? Since when? 🙂 Yeah I used to do roller a lot when I was younger it was very amusing.

Yeah is so funny to do roller as to do ice-skate. 🙂 For guitar... : I began by the bolivian guitar that my maternal grand-parents offered me in 2002. But it was so rare that I play with, because this guitar wasn't to as the guitars that we find everywhere. There is five years I continued with my parents's classic guitar. It was a bit more easy to play with. Recently this year I had a new guitar, an electric guitar. I play of the guitar more now. I believe that is this electric guitar which give me more the envy to learn to play of the guitar. I have learnt to play of the guitar by myself. It's very difficult but it's a excellent distraction. xD 🙂