How does it feel like being 30 and single? 全部

I'm just asking one's point of views. Nothing is wrong nothing is right either.

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🧙‍♀️ You say it, Katt ... EVERY person is different!

For me, it doesn't matter how old someone is. 'Age-and-living-Single'
are not directly related to each other. Even though almost everyone
may look for some kind of relation between it.

Well, to the matter in hand:

I am not 30 anymore (sneefff), I live SINGLE and I feel quite HAPPY.

Think about this:

More than anything else, sensations are influenced by realised consciousness.
A fully 'awakened' individual, lives single or not – it makes no appreciable

_All the Best_
Love & Light

由 Lir_Elhan 编辑.

Age is a just a number. Some get marry at the age of 80 and 90's . When people are single they want to get married. When married people want to be single. when single again look for marriage. And circle continuous.