zach chapman on penpal world 全部

i got an email from a zach chapman with this 2nd message (i had responded to his first email kindly as i was trying to be nice so i answered his questions):

"hey [my name], so, first, i ask girls online about their hair because i have had some girls allow their creepy friends to impersonate them online and i have had some weirdo males impersonate girls and email me, so, i am cautious and i usually know if a girl gets easily triggered by questions about her hair, someone is impersonating her, a person would not get so agitated if they were not stealing a identity!

and yes i have had some losers make fake email accounts to impersonate me, to slander me, and to harass me, all those people i mentioned are some of the most hateful people online! some of them think i am some other zach because we share interests, they think also because we share the same initials we are the same person, they are not smart enough to comprehend the initials zc is very common and some people have similar interests!

so, do you wear perfume? did you mean your shampoo smells like [shampoo scent]? your hair sounds beautiful! is your hair [my hair color] now? do you like to swim? do you get your hair completely wet when you swim? do you shampoo your hair at night or shampoo your hair in the morning/would you mind using the wording "i shampoo my hair'? do you like to watch movies? hope you write me soon.

i looked up the names he gave and found this site. multiple other people here have encountered him before. i'd just like to say that he is still emailing young girls even in 2024 (he's been doing this since 2016 apparently). just a warning!!

also i redacted everything i told him just in case he checks this website

(i had responded to his first email kindly as i was trying to be nice so i answered his questions):
Hey, just for the future: Don't respond to emails or any other kind of approach from strangers, with weird questions like that. It can get really weird and creepy really fast.

There's no need to be polite to random people emailing you creepy questions about your hair, and there would also be no need to respond if you were approached on the street. You don't owe it to anybody to be polite to them and you also don't owe it to anybody to talk to them.