"nothing, it would not be clever for us to fight now,except for the dwarf, he seems to be still full of energy. So tell me, what do the people tell how Dreet-Lai has fallen!" I say before I started to eat what Bodowin has made. "It's delicious Bodowin, thank you."

I threw Salomon an appraising look again, then I began to speak:
"It started sometime The Queen" I literally spit out the word
"She was tired of your father, she wanted to eliminate the biggest threat in her empire ... the elves, your dad went out of her way to stop her, but he did not succeed, she had the whole elven city burned down, the Maestras are gone. your father went into battle a few weeks ago and never came back, he is missing, his death is not confirmed, one of the reasons why many want to see you dead, you could sit on the throne, but me Do not believe that you would succeed now, for the Elven people are too torn, they would not listen to you. "

"Even on the far Seas we have heard rumours about a Queen, fire and a elvenking, lost into battle." I clean the bowls and put them into my backpack.
"But we tought these where just tales. We dwarfs like to keep it to ourselves." Na-ni-Drum. "So this legendary Elvenking is your father? I'm sad to hear that he is missing." I knod to Salomon. "My brother and son , hal-di lyi, are missing too. I have not seen them since i fell into the depths of the sea. You guys haven't seen any Seadwarfs by chance, did you?" I ask.

With a sad look I put down the bowl and started to speak "Yes it's true, nobody would follow me now. But my father didn't die on the battlefield, he was killed by a group of Assassins before he could even reach the battlefield, I met him to wish him luck but instead he died in my arms. So my older brother is officially the King of the Elven Kingdom now, if he is still alive."
After telling this I take a look at the woman and I'm kinda feel relived that she is not from the same guild.

I scrambled to my feet and swayed slightly. I had given much of my strength to Salomon and I knew that I would not dare to change again in a week at the earliest. But besides the dizziness I was fine, Bodowin's soup tasted good, and I thanked him again with a murmur. I threw the dirt from my pants and then looked over to Salomon worried.
"That with your father ... I ... I'm so sorry ..."
I thought of my own father, whom I had never met.
sometimes ignorance was simply a blessing.
I looked down at the woman again.
"What's your name? Call me ..." I hesitated and glanced back at Salomon.
"Call me Togo - Waah" I say the sentence to the end.

"My name is Shashara," I said. Then I gave Salomon a sympathetic but slightly mocking look.
"Why do not you know it yet?" I did not wait for an answer, just kept talking.
"Your brothers are dead, even your little sister hanged the queen.
Your family is destroyed, if you're right about the death of your father. "

" I see. " I whispered with a sad face looking on the ground.
"So my brothers all fell in a battle, I wish my father didn't ever join this shitty War. But my sister, she wasn't even a warrior but was killed." as I speak anger overcame me.

I looked anxiously over to Salomon. How would he react to this terrible news? First it was quiet mourning, then raging anger and I involuntarily backed away from him.
I had betrayed him in my own way too. I did not trust him, withheld information and still portrayed myself as the great woman. I wanted to say something, but I did not dare. I was afraid that he was mad at me, too. If I had not crawled into my cave, I could have saved his sister. So all I did was concentrate on staying on my feet and the world stopped spinning around me. The dizziness persisted, but I did not show anything, just looked down at the ground.

In the elven prince's eyes, I saw my own pain mirrored. The pain of loss. He lost his family, I lost my husband and children.
Once again, my hatred for the queen arose so much in me that I felt sick. I quickly turned away and vomited behind a bush. But that was not just about my hatred. I was not physically whole. As a young child, I had fallen into a spell that did not affect my health. I'll probably die faster than anyone else, but I do not care about that right now. Instead, I stare at Salomon, his face red with hot anger.
And I saw in his face the same desire as he burned in me as well:
The queen had to die.

I try to calm down, but it doesn't work out quite well, inhaling - exhaling, after a while, I finally calmed down.
"Shashara? Can I ask you for something?"
Before she could answer, I continued "Could we lay down our conflict for a while, I got to visit a grave, and a queen got a head to loose."
With a serious and cold stare I looked at Shashara, waiting for an answer.

I smile. Bitter, of course. There was a time when everyone told me I had an incredibly contagious laugh. But that was a long time ago and the laugh of that time had turned into a distorted mask.
"I have nothing against you personally. I acted only on assignment, so if you're willing to forget our dispute for the time being ... I've been in the mood to behead the queen for a long time."

"Then can I count on your help with the Queen?" I still don't trust her completely, but since I want to revenge my family and the Queen is my prey, every help is welcome.
Then I look at Bodowin "I'm sorry but I didn't see any other seadwarfs, actually you are the first one I've ever seen but I'm sure when they are as strong as you are, the will be alright."
And finally my eyes switch to the dragonlady " Tan- sorry I mean Togo-Waah, I can bring you to a city of adventurers like me where you get medical help from people who have healed a Weredragon before, you will be save there, it's actually the only place on earth, wich I know is save. And when you are fully healed you are free to go wherever you like, they will also teach you about the world what changed what is new and so on, os this ok for you?" As I speak I have calmed down completely and look at Tanc- Togo-Waah with a smile. She didn't tell me her real name first, she is really clever, I'm curious how log she actually been on this damn mountain.

Relieved, I realize that Salomon did not seem to be angry with me ... at least not too much.
Relief only made the dizziness stronger, but I did not care about that at the moment. I smile and said:
"Shashara was right, I have not interfered in the affairs of others for a long time, I'm not going to make that mistake again ... I'll go with you."
Then I turned to Bodowin.
"I'm sorry, I did not see your relatives either.
I thank you again for your help. You saved my life and Salomon's life. I stand deep in your debt for that. I visited a Seadwarf town many years ago ... it was beautiful and I remember your folk as strong but kindhearted. I would be glad if you would accompany us, who knows, maybe we will find your relatives? "

Rum-da-Dum! "You are mostly welcome, dragonlady. Eh..excuse me, mss Waah. Well, I havn't seen any trace of my dwarvenbrothers yet." I glance over to Shashara. Such a young and small human. Would break like a twig in a summer seastorm. Salomon is filled with anger and revenge. It might try to blur his thoughts. altough he is an elve, I feel sorry for him and his family. We dwarves are not so fond of elves, no idea why actually. Bas-lin-du. Maybe something happened a long time ago between dwarves and elves, who might know? For as long as we dwarves can remember we stay put at sea and far away from anything that looks, smells, talks or moves elfish. Togo-Waah is hurt badly and won't last long without the help in that doctor's town. I might just.. "Bodowin?" I wake up out of my thoughts. "Yes?!" I answer bamboozled when I look around. All three are looking at me.

"Are you coming with us Bodowin?" Salomon asks.

I doubt, would this be the best way to find my brother and son? I haven't found a trace for days, and who knows, this journey may just bring me in the direction I need to go. I might even get some help from these landlings when we finish this queen issue. Who knows what's ahead of us? backwards, there is nothing for me. I had made up my mind, I will accompagy these three youngsters on their queste. Ili-naa-Durm! Who would think of a dwarve going alongside a elve, a human and a dragon?

" Bo-do Nak! I think that you need every help you can get. Therefore I will join you on these travels. Who knows, there might wonder some dwarves around on these roads." I pick Lullu up and get on my feet. "

Light is fading, which way to go?"

After Tan- Togo-Waah, I still have to get used to that name, asked Bodowin if he would accompany us, he seems to get lost in his thoughts and after a while, beside being sorry I asked him again "Bodowin?"
"Are you coming with us Bodowin?"
I don't know why Elves and Dwarves are enemies, but this Man saved me and Tancee... Damn again I got the name wrong, well I think it is not a problem as ling as it is only in my thoughts hehe

Somehow I had Bodowin immediately closed in the heart, his rough face radiated both experience and strength and benevolence. That's why I was very happy when he said he wanted to go with us.
I gave Shashara a cool look ... I did not like her and in her face I read that she knew.
But Bodowin's question occupied me. Where to go?
Lost in thought, I rubbed the spot under the bandage where Solomon had burned out the wound. It hurt incredibly, but in the many years of my life I had to experience many things. Still, the pain was unbearable and I forced myself to stop scratching. It felt like the hot metal of the blade was still pressing on my flesh and the rest of the magic still inside me was trying to keep the pain in check. just enough that I did not have to moan in agony.
I was very thankful that Salomon had done that, especially since he was more of a warrior than a healer to my knowledge, and it is amazingly hard to hurt someone who you are not averse to, especially pain like burning it out.
The thought of Salomon brought me back to my chief antagonism. Where?
"I do not know ..." I began hesitantly and pressed my arm against the cold sheath in my hand. I had taken it off Shashera and the cool metal eased the pain.
"I think it will be almost impossible to get close to the queen ... especially since we are all a little stunted, maybe the best thing to do is to return to the elf realm and see what can be done.
What do you say to that? "

I catch the cold glimpse of the dragonwoman Togo - Waah and had to grin grimly. She did not trust me and did not like me, but I could live with that.
Togo - Waah's proposal to go to Elfenstadt was not bad. At least it would not hurt and as she had already realized it would be almost impossible to attack the queen directly. a knife in the dark would be much better.
"I think the idea is good." I said. And when I saw Togo - Waah sway slightly and also saw her squeeze her arm on my swordsheath, I added:
"but maybe we'll get some horses in the next village first."

"The Town of Adventurers is three days to the Northwest and the Elven Kingdom is ten days to the North, that's why I think we should go to the Adventurers town first, after that we can head to the Elven Kingdom and look what is still left of it, how about that?"
It's not something I would wish for, talking about my home like that, but I need to be realistic and on top of that it was me who let my family to die, only because I was so stubborn... man this sucks, I should have followed my father to the end, mybe only a small chance would exist for them to survive.

It's no use pitty myself, I should be prepared for what comes at us in the future
"by the way we still don't know if our friendly Assassin comes with us or if she will try to finish what she started, so do you come with us Shashara?"
I smile and look at Shashara, even though I know that she is a danger to me and Togo-Waah, after I said that I want to kill the Queen, her eyes got excited, so I think she will at least leave me be until the Queen is fallen.
