What's the hardest word to pronounce in your language? 日常生活与习俗

Portugues Brasil - joalheria

« anticonstitutionnellement » is not hard…

In Dutch, I always have trouble pronouncing 'slechtstschrijvend' (worst writing, translated literally) because of the consonant cluster

I would say it is the German word "Streichholzschachtel", which means match box.

crisps like potato chips
the sps sound is difficult

In polish it's: żółć, szczęście, Pszczyna, następstw, źdźbło, bezwzględny. There are many more!

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconioză that means silicosis

In Polish: konstantynopolitańczykowianeczka. The longest word in my language.
Ale miało być trudne, a nie najdłuższe hah ( But it was going to be hardest, not the longest)

Quincaillerie, oeil, yeux

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcaniconioză that means silicosis
That's the longest word in english dictionary.

In Turkish "kağıt" by far. Short but a true challenge in articulation.

In Germany it's Streichholzschächtelchen

"pinakanakakapagngitngitngitngitang-pagsisinungasinungalingan" which roughly means lying that causes the most extreme anger

For some foreigners it’s

Yes it’s a real word 😂

Any scientific term, especially in chemistry. Example :
- Phénylalanine (an amino acid)
- Chlorure d'aminométhylpyrimidinylhydroxyéthylméthythiazolium. (B2 vitamin if I'm right)

Another very long one (in psychology/joke) :
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie, which funnily means the phobia of long words.

I'd be curious to hear a foreigner trying to pronunce "Abracadabrantesque" too. Still foreigners, there are plenty of traps in written French.

In Chile at the high school it was difficult to pronounce "ácido acetilsalicilico" and "ácido desoxirribonucleico", we joked a lot with the tongue twister.
For a foreigner, here in Sweden, it's hard to pronounce "sjukhus" and "Värdshus". there are different "sh" sound together. (sj) (hu)(rds). A real nightmare

"திருவாலவாயுடையார்திருவிலையாடற்புராணம்" is the hardest word in Tamil.
(English pronounciation: Tiruvālavāyuṭaiyārtiruvilaiyāṭaṟpurāṇam)


Its the title of a song mary poppins.