What's your comfort food? 日常生活与习俗

Most of the time I like to eat something sweet like ice cream or oreos but then sometimes I like to eat lightly salted almonds or potato chips

When Iam upset I love to cook, Its not really necessary what it is. If I bake or cook, its calming me down.

I like Bengali foods🍱🍲🍛

Water is enough to comfort me. A beer would help also, though it's really rare for me to drink that

gnocchi al gorgonzola guys😁

I don't know its formal name, but it's Danish puff pastry, shaped as a flat triangle, about half a square foot, topped with chocolate stripes and filled with almond paste. Sooo delicious! Unfortunately, it's only made in Scandinavian countries so I haven't eaten it for years.

A good second comfort food would be freshly made real Italian pizza (any with a meaty topping).


Something sweet or nothing, if i'm to sad to eat anything.

it's got to be a tub of vanilla ice cream


Ben & Jerrys


When i am really sad, i eat nothing! I cannot eat! Cooking, have breakfast, lunch, dinner that is for me fun and quality of life! So, i will answer: if i really sad, my comfort is: AIR! ☹️😂


My country, Colombia, we eat something called arepa and I totally love it! It is just the doe and the cheese that if you mix it together it ends in heaven in your hands and mouth. Also, you can add some toppings! My favorite is adding extra cheese 😃

Macaroni cheese

as for me, when I'm sad, I'm not thinking about food, but about drink!

the closest one