What's your favourite word? :) 日常生活与习俗

I don´t know why but i think the Word `Guggascheckert´ just awesome. This is in Austrian dialect and means freckled

Oh no 🙁

a awesome one

ITA: Firmamento

hi bye


My favourite word is кукуцаполь

My favorite word is "ethereal"

Amore, which means "love" in Italian. There are people that say that the origin of the word is "a-" which in Latin is a negation and "mors" which means "death" in Latin. So it's basically "without death" or "the negation of death". It's not the real etymology but I find it really poetic.

I like the word "interesting".

human being

It must be Finnish word Vittu, which means swearword. 🙊

In Englisch my favorit word is Banana 😂

Gast, which just means dude. But you can use it in any situation so I like it. It's something we use a lot in Antwerpen

Broski (it’s the word I use for everyone)

Kunterbunt.... it’s a german word meaning colorful.. 🙂

I like the word, Compadre which means "friend" in English translated from Spanish!

“ ambivert “