What's your favourite word? :) 日常生活与习俗



由 lemondrop 编辑.

Rutilante, it means "shining of red" and just "shining" for extension (I guess "rutilant" is less common in English) and it is often used in a figurative sense, but you can also hironically call a friend with red hair "rutilante". Anyway I like it more to show something "burning/shining/brightly", I know it is not the real correct meaning, but I like to play with uncommon words ahah



My favourite word is Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft


Is this a word that you consciously like or one that spits out of your mouth without thought?

SGABELLO which in Italian means stool

How to pick just one? I like the word defenestration, which means the act of throwing someone out a window, because I think it is oddly specific. I also like petrichor (the smell of rain), psithurism (the sound of wind in the trees and rustling of leaves), and MANY other words. And Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (the fear of long words), because it's so ironic

no shit sherlock

Don't know if that counts as a word 🙂, but it's a GREAT sarcastic comment.

"Crepuscolo", an Italian word that has a meaning between "twilight" and "nightfall", that moment of the day just after the sunset, when the sun has already disappeared at the horizon, light is fading and the sky is full of colours... for me the best moment of the day



Butterbrot 😃

"Utopie" : "utopia" in English

Su·per·ca·li·fra·gil·is·tic·ex·pi·a·li·do·cious lol