Dear Daily.... (all can write) 日常生活与习俗

dear daily..

i have match tomorrow so my lovely friday hip-hop night will end with early go-to-sleep :|


Dear Daily, today was great. i had soooooo much fun at school but when Andrae made fun of me with her snobby friends they hurt my fellings. i would bite her but her blood don't taste good.

hi dairly

i am happy for allieo =)))

i went to school with her today =) i love her smiles =)
when she tell me something she will be so excited =)
i cant see her much at the school.because the weather is so cold here.
and she didnt go out.
but we will go to school together tomorrow..

See You
Cedric =P

Hey Daily,

I am so excited I am going to visit my sister at her college this weekend, partyyyyyyyy. (:
And I think that Cedric needs to make a move!!! XP
And he needs to comment me back (:


How lovely to annoy me Remus...haha. No school today!!! (: I feel awful about the 13 that died at miserable that might bee. MY mum said cousins of ours live there..may God protect their souls. IT was soo warm this past few days! yayy! Halloween was fun. I was a vampire. wooo. haahhaha I'm soo terribly bored i can't wait till New Moon comes out and i get to see lovely Taylor Launter take off his shirt (: School sucks..sooo much hw. Good thing i got Zoe and Colleen to get me through it. and that very charming boy Erik...
America has a lot in store for mee...

Yours Truly,
Luccyyyy <3

Today, we had no school, its Veteran's Day. (:
I had sooo much fun visiting my sister this past weekend at her college. XD
I have to start my science fair project, I hate science fair.!
It's raining. ):

Allie O


all this week i'm being stuck at school for 9-10 hours :|

...i want to sleeeep.


Dear Daily

Had no School today. Because of the end of the first world war. Yeah, I know, that hapened a looog time ago. But anyway, that's still cool not to have to go to university. I was kind of lazy today. Just met some friends to play a bit of music... But god damn, I should learn more than I use to do.
Well, I go to bed now, see you another day,

Night' daily 🙂

Hi my Friend =))

i am back =) i had three exams this shit
i was sleepy everyday because i had to study at the night too..
but now i am relax.i watched a movie and ate my popcorn =))
but i should study this night too because i have three exams next week.

i have a new hobby😛 after school i go to my friend and we play PES 2010 =)
the game is very amazing.. i like it.but he is beeter than me.i lose always =)

i miss Melek when i went to home =) and i will wait the next day =)
so the time goes really fast..

the weather is rainy.and i am cold now =)
but i love it xD

See You
Take Care

Dear Daily

Today has been fairly unusual.I woke up early,showered,started a new painting, and now I'm just having a cup of coffee and loking at pictures/videos from a party I went to last night 🙂 Someone caught me singing on camera, and we're arguing as to whether or not it goes on youtube.

Hi Daily

i had two exams today.they were physics and history.they were good..
i have to go to the dentist tomorrow :s i hate dentists

the weather is colder now.

my heart is dead

see you
cedric =/

Dear Daily.

My Latin teacher decided than my 100 % correct homework and my answers were good enough for a 6/10 ( D minus). Stupid bitch.

I think i'm gonna take a latin break until the semmestrial testpaper.


Dear Daily,
Everyone seems to be having bad days lately ):
What is going on?!
Well I had agood day, very funny, my friend fell smack into a mud puddle today!!! Hahaha.

What is wrong with Cedric??


Hey Daily,
Today, I got freaked out for no obvious reason while I was standing in front of my locker, my legs gave out from underneath m and an aquaintence of mine that was eating lunch nearby whiped out a celphone to call and ambulance. But then I threw a bookat him and he dropped the phone. Then he sat with me until i felt better.
If you havent told your friends today how much you appreciate them, you should.
Like, right now.
I'm serious. Stop reading and go do it.

worked on kingdom,

Dear Daily,

Lovely to see you agaiin. I'm trying to type this neatly but my hands are shaking and my teeth keep chattering so it's hard. I'm entirely jealous of my friend Tiffany in Aruba. Grr (: School's pretty good..I got a 100 on my science tests and a 98 on my Spanish test. Life is pretty good. I love how Madi said to thank a friend...I agree. and aslo with Allie..alot of bad days. I love my sister..I wish i lived with ehr longer. Good night daily (:
Yours Truly,
Lucy <3

Went to go watch New Moon again. All the boyfriends there looked like the Jews getting ready to march into the NAzi's camps. Ahh..wonderful movie. I love Taylor Launter (:'


Dear Daily,

I am so excited! Futsal starts this weekened!!!!
On Wednesday I am going to do community service to set up for a Christmas thingy. (:
On Thursday I am going to see the movie the blind side and on Friday I am going to see New Moon!!!!
And I'm going to stare a Taylor Lautner the whole time, he and I are going to get married one day. XD No lie.
Sunday is my moms birthday.!!

Have a good day! I did!
Allie O!