Dear Daily.... (all can write) 日常生活与习俗

hi daily...
i'm supposed to learn for my semestrial testpaper in english tomorrow, instead i'm hanging around on the net 🙂

see you

Hello Daily,

The big exam is around the corner. And....I'll graduate soon, but it also means that I'm going to face the challenge.
So nervous......

Dear Daily,

First time writing. :clap
I have been feeling melencholy all day.
I kinda broke down today. 🙁
I feel like I need a hug.
No one will give me one.
...Oh well! I go read a comedy manga now! :laugh


I'm pissed. I could punch a wall. stupid lacrosse got canceled but not baseball. darn rain. darn the town. stupid baseball. bleck
but besides that i'm supeerrr happy (:
Love Always,

hi daily

i will meet with my friends today 😛
i have holiday todayand tomorrow .
it will be good
the weather is cold today.
still we will play football.

and i have the best points by analytic =))

see you

Hi Daily,

I wanna tell you, I'm not happy.
I'm unhappy about my lazy classmates,but it's not appropriate to talk about what happened here.I'm just so mad.

dear daily 😃
i watched a French movie "Le petit Nicolas " yesterday.
Before yesterday, i had only read the book... and the kids in the movie are sooooooooooo cute!!
I cannot help myself to stop laughing , cause the movie is so funny!!


hi my friend =D
the school did end today =D
so happy =D
i know i know you are to excited with this news =P
the summer holiday begaaaaaan =D
ahhh so luckily word =P summer holiday =D =D

see You
Seeeeeeeee YOU

hi daily..
i am not good.
the pc repairman deleted all my videos documents..
they were my memories..

see you

dear daily
today thought about doing revision but decided not to 😃
brother is listening to 'knights of cydonia' o.O
and it's horrible outside

dear daily,
I woke up way to early today and couldn't sleep so I went for a run,
took a shower and did nothing all day. it was a blah day.

Dear daily,

I have a cold.
Make it go away ;(

dear daily,
I went to [b]Tom Tom Crew's[/b] performance last night and Saturday night. :blush
They were AMAZING !!!!


Dear daily,
Is it dangerous to talk much to a daily? Maybe I should try to talk to a human? 🙂 🙂

hi daily
i am here again 😃
my exams are over.
the movie watching time is started 😃

Dear Daily,
Today was my last day visiting my Aunt, and me and my family returned back home!
The drive was long, but it was fun because my best friend was there with me~
And now it's 5:46 AM, and my best friend and I have been up the whole night! 😃

Hallo! Dear Daily:
Why there is only few people know something about Taiwan? is Taiwan so poor or because China? Taiwan can be Formosa, why must be the 2nd China? so confused!

Hi Daily

Today I wake up 6am and 7am I go to bus station. I was maybe half hour to waiting bus and it doesn't come. I was so confused that I go home and I call to my friend that she will say to teacher that I come late.
My friend just laugh and said: ''It's summer vacation? Busses don't drive and it's not school anymore''

I feel myself so stupid :3