Dear Daily.... (all can write) 日常生活与习俗

Dear daily,

we won our match today , i just arrived home so tommorow i won't go to school 😛


Dear Daily.
today was good.
I made out with michael 🙂

Dear Daily,

I'm watching Jersey Shore
and Pauly-D just said, "My girl had her
period so we couldn't do anything serious.
No big deal though. I made the best of the situation"

and then some girl asked me if English people
spoke English.

I was like o___0 really? This is what America has to offer.

Dear Daily,
Today was ok.
We have a winter holidays!..
I went with school to a schopping centre.
My friend threw up on my pants.. And I was stinky... wrrr ;/
And then we went to cinema, we've watched Avatar in 3D wersion. It was ok,
but I didn't like the music.
And then we were going back to Września. We went to McDonald's too.
It was a good day.

Dear Daily,

I havee been really tired lately.
And my father came to visit for a bit.
it was fun while it lasted
but then my parents argued and
I stepped out for a sec to go to the store
with my mom. when I came back he was gone.
I was like ... epic fail

hi daily 😛

we have two weeks long holiday 😛
i am at home 🙂
but i i will meet with my friends today.

the weather is very very very cold 🙂)
i think when i will go out i will freeze 😛
it did snow latest friday.
and i made my snowman 😛P

See You

Dear daily

My winter holidays start today, no school for two weeks 🙂
I'm visiting my grandparents. Next week we are going skiing to Slovakia together.
It's very cold in Poland. It's -17 at the moment.
I'm not going out of home next few days.

Dear daily,

Im falling hard for this guy and im scared.

Dear Daily,
We have 2 1/2 feet of snow.
Its rediculous, I can't walk down the steps of my porch.


I'm suffer from insomnia these days.
I can't sleep until 3:00 AM!!!!
HElp me!!!!

Dear Daily,
I am so excited!
This weekend is our United States Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Futsal Regionals!!!!
My team is going to kill!! (:

It finally stopped snowing finally, I'm tired of snow. this blizzard stunk!
Well anyways, the roads are icy, I had to shovel snow off of part of my driveway. :/
Its soooo cold outside!
Anyways, I'm bored!
I seriously have not left my house since Saturday, I've been snowed in.

Need to find something to doooo

Love Allie!

Dear Daily,
I will start from good news. I have played with my friends. It's so funny!
But now bad news: I'm ill!!!!!! I've got headache.

dear daily.I got a bad news which means i'll have to work much harder than before.:.(
Just finished coffee with some friends..heading to a electronic store for some shopping.

hi daily
i am again 🙂
i am very confused.
i should do something
but i change my feelings.
sometimes i feel nothing like a dead.
i have to find a solution...

See You

Dear daily,

I just finished registration on this site,
i think this is a cool thread.
Watched some movies today, ( somehow a good movie makes my day )


Dear daily,

I'm so tired. Me and my mom was working at the office and the bunches of papers and docs stressed out us.So now I'm reading Karneval manga for fun. Then,I should be doing my homework, even if I'm supossed to be doing it first than reading manga. But,ho! It's fun to be breaking the rules a bit. I'll make sure that I'll finish it :tongue:
Today's St Valentines day. The impressive quantity of chocolate is one of the most interesting facts of love and friendship today,the same as love letters.
I want to sleep, but starting tomorrow I'll be studying the hell out of me of subjects because in only a few months are the exams to enter the High School, and I'm sure I'll not miss to much of the Junior High, except for Guinevere and my other friends. High school is such an exciting and to fear experience.
So and so,I'm leaving.

XO and XO :flowers


Dear diary,

I think I should exercise more often. I skied four times around our field, and I have to admit that afterwards I felt good. Usually I just sleep and listen to music, but nowadays, we have to ski if we want to go to the computer. Thank God it's pretty small field.
My comic is still unfinished. And it has to be ready until tomorrow. Despite the fact my fanfic is unfinished as well, I'm going to finish that comic first. School projects first, huh?
And although I still should have time, I have to go offline now. Maybe I'll write more poems tonight. Or draw something. Or whatsoever.

See ya


Dear Daily,

Today was my first day back to school because of the huge snow storm! I haven't been in school for a week and a half.
Anyways, I didn't have a Valentine. :/ It is ok though, I don't want one unless they are really special. =P
I may go visit my sister this weekend at her school!

Have a good day everyone!
Allie O

由 AllieO 编辑.